Reduction Mammoplasty reduces the size of the breast in order to create a firm, contoured look. The surgery is also intended to relieve physical pain, health and emotional concerns associated with excessively large breasts. Breast reduction is a common and safe procedure. Dr. Novia is an experienced surgeon with extensive knowledge in this area. When you consult with Dr. Novia you will be presented with the best options for you.
Physical and Emotional Reasons for Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery is an individual decision and can include both physical and emotional factors:
- Alleviating Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Posture and Skeletal Changes
- Loss of Self Esteem and Confidence
- Inability to Participate in Sports
- Difficulty With Exercise & Weight Control
- Skin Disorders and Hygiene Concerns
Breast reduction surgery is the most direct and efficient approach to overcoming these obstacles.
Breast reduction surgery removes fat, glandular tissue and excess skin in order to create a firmer, lighter breast. This surgery is done under general anesthesia.
This procedure is often covered by insurance as long as specific criteria are met. Here are some of the most common criteria, but this VARIES BY INSURANCE COMPANY:
- Non Smoker
- Must have qualifying BMI
- You must show that you have symptoms directly attributable to your large breasts with SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (visits to your family doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor). These symptoms include: pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back; shoulder grooving; rash beneath the breasts; arm numbness and tingling; headache; difficulty with exercise and/or weight control; difficulty finding bras and other clothing that fits properly.
We will send your consultation results and your supporting documents to your insurance company for pre-authorization (approval for surgery). If approved, we will be able to schedule your surgery.
This process may require several appeals to your insurance company. If the appeal process is not successful, it is very likely that your surgery can be done as a “cosmetic” procedure. We would be happy to provide you with this service if you are interested.